This is the longest step and the one which requires the most physical effort on your part. First, your soil will need to be loosened. Grass can’t grow in compact soil, so you’ll need to pay careful attention to your work and ensure you’ve adequately removed any weeds and rocks from the area you want your grass to grow. If your soil is moist already and there are few weeds and rocks to be removed, this should be a simple, quick step. If not however, use a shovel and a hard to rake to break up the soil. You’ll want to reach about four inches into the soil to adequately remove any obstacles to your grass’ growth.
Once the soil is prepared, it can always be improved; dump some compost evenly on the prepared soil and rake it until it’s thoroughly mixed. Don’t simply leave the compost on top of the soil, as this will inhibit grass growth. Now you can seed, but there are still factors to consider. First, think about the grass type which will grow the most efficiently in your area and which type will look most aesthetically pleasing to you. The timing of your seeding is also heavily dependent on the type of grass you want to plant.
Your lawn is ready to be seeded. This is a simple and self-explanatory process, simply go over your lawn with a seeding tool, making sure the seeds are evenly dispersed and careful not to miss any patches. After your lawn is seeded there are several ways to maintain the look and feel of your newly seeded area.
First, you can mulch the newly seeded area lightly with straw, covering about three-quarters of the ground. This straw will hold moisture and prevent seeds from blowing away. Next, you’ll want to irrigate the soil regularly, keeping it moist at all times. Be careful not to wash away the seeds you’ve just spread and keep in mind that different grass seeds require different amounts of watering. Bermuda grass, for example, should be watered four times a day but perennial rye need only be watered twice a day. You’ll want to check your packaging and water with a hose until the seeds germinate.
That’s it! You now have a seeded lawn which will grow into a beautiful green marvel that will be the talk of the neighborhood in only a few weeks’ time.