There are several reasons to prune shrubs, from appearance to safety.
Exactly how to prune a shrub depends upon the type, its age, its condition, and the results you want, but here are some general guidelines and best practices:
Timing can be everything in lawn care, and that includes pruning. If a shrub blooms in spring, it’s best to prune right after flowering. For shrubs that bloom during summer, prune in late winter or early the next spring. You don’t have to stick to a particular time for shrubs that don’t flower at all, but remember to prune anytime you see signs of damage or disease.
When in doubt about anything here, don’t hesitate to consult a professional. Mistakes in DIY landscaping can be messy and expensive!
In Northern New Jersey, Cashman Landscape Management & Design is one of the premier services ready to handle all your landscaping needs. Since 1996, we’ve been helping residential and commercial property owners in and around Morris County get the most from their landscaping, increasing appeal and adding value. In the process, we also save them a lot of time and hassle.
To learn more about our services or to request a quote,
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